Sunday, June 29, 2008

Arts in the Park! Last night I saw 'La Boheme' in Inwood Hills park and it was fabulous! I also met a bunch of my neighbors whom I hadn't previously known. Now I can say hello to them as we pass on Cooper or Payson, and we can reminisce about Musetta and Marcello and our other favorite characters. I love arts in the park.

So this is the week of July 4. It's also the week my family comes to town!!! Let's see if I can keep them occupied all week. So far we've got the Natural History museum, musicals, yoga, dinner with the missionaries, and the Strand bookstore on the schedule. Good times.

Happiness is finding the last copy of the book you wanted at the Strand Bookstore!!!!!

Happiness is summer vacation!

Happiness is Arts in the Park!

Happiness is...

What do you think happiness is?


Saturday, June 14, 2008

June 13, 2008

That was interesting. My neighbor’s friend just asked me what he should do to get a Caucasian girlfriend. I’ve never been asked anything quite like this before and I was at somewhat of a loss as to what to say. “Um, Treat her well.” Silence. “Yeah, but how do I even get to talk to her?” A moment of thought. “Um, talk about the weather.” Another pause. “Take a class.” “A class?” “Yeah, where you could meet people. Or learn some things that would be interesting in a conversation.” “Okay.” He seemed happy with that. I hope it goes well for him. I may ask him for a full report next time.

I loved “The Little Mermaid” on Broadway. So what if the New York Times said it was more parade than narrative? I deeply enjoyed the experience of seeing the play in its Broadway form and taking one of my favorite 5th graders with me to enjoy it as well!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 9,2008

So thus ends my tour of jury duty. I was secretly hoping I might get to witness our system of justice in action, but it was not to be. The day ended with the judge throwing out our panel because the judge was angry that the lawyers hadn’t picked any of us. And we were such a nice panel, too! A policeman, an investment banker, an occupational therapist, some lovely retired folks, and a really nice girl who gave me a Marie Claire magazine were among our ranks. Maybe next time.

Ah, summer in the park. I was witness this evening to beautiful music and storytelling just a couple of blocks away from my home. Why do I love arts in the park so much? Maybe it hearkens back to my early childhood when Mom and Dad used to take us to hear the military bands play on the Capitol Steps, or to see an outdoor production of Once Upon a Mattress. Ah! To be singing and acting in a play as dusk falls, fireflies light, and crickets chirp.