Monday, August 24, 2009

Lisa's Cabaret Show is this week!

Come to Don't Tell Mama 343 W 46th St (bet 8th and 9th) on August 26 (7-8ish pm), August 28 or 29 (7:30-8:30ish pm) for some really fabulous entertainment!

What is cabaret, you say?
Here is the definition from wikipedia:

Cabaret is a form of entertainment featuring comedy, song, dance, and theatre, distinguished mainly by the performance venue — a restaurant or nightclub with a stage for performances and the audience sitting at tables (often dining or drinking) watching the performance being introduced by a master of ceremonies, or MC.

And Lisa's cabaret will be wonderful!!!! We are planning on doing some tunes from Starting Here, Starting Now...,_Starting_Now

AND some luscious songs made famous by Judy Garland and other greats.

You will love this show!!! $7 cover charge ($3 students, $12 families) plus 2 drink minimum. See you there!

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