Thursday, April 9, 2009

थे सिंगल्स वर्ड

So people are always asking me about The Singles Ward, which was a movie I was in a few years back. My first feature film, actually, and SO much fun to do. The truth is, when I saw the character breakdown, there was nothing that was going to stop me from auditioning. I was like, "this is my life. I know these people. I've dated these people. I've been in this ward." (a ward is a congregation of LDS people btw for my friends of other faiths).

I went to the audition, sort of on a lark. Thinking, yeah, I'll go, it's at Hale, and I love that place! And it's summer, and it's sort of a summery carefree thing to do! And I'm a total musical theater geek but I love film! Yes! Good times.

So I went, and the rest is history. I remember sitting on the set and reading the script, and being like, "no way, they're actually going to have a character use the pick-up line, 'so what's your tribe?'" And wondering what on earth my prop friends were going to do with a frog. And laughing uncontrollably in between takes when Dallin was talking about how somebody's roommate was using 'Saturday's Warrior' to prepare her relief society lesson. And being like, 'what could possibly top this.'

I think I know... The Broadway version: 'Singles Ward: The Musical.'

Okay you producers out there, I'm willing to reprise my role. But only if I get an awesome aria about the dangers of Dr. Pepper. Or the joys of twins.

1 comment:

vdg family said...

I love that you decide you are going to do something and not let things get in your way. :) It's super--like you--Super Lisa!