Hostels and Chinatown Buses
I've recently enjoyed both lodging and travel that were inexpensive and full of welcome and cheer. I'm referring to the Chicago Parthenon Hostel, where I stayed during a convention, and the Apex NY->DC bus out of Chinatown, which I took to visit my sister.
Thanks to my Rick Steves European excursions, I've found hosteling to be the next bet thing to staying with friends. While the facilities aren't usually luxury, they are clean and safe, and there is the possibility of meeting friends from all over the world. During my stay in Chicago last week, I met new friends from Brazil, the Netherlands, Dutch Indonesia, and the US. I met medical students preparing to interview for residencies. I met friends preparing to travel to Wisconsin to work at ski resorts. I met gypsies who travel and work, travel and work for months and years at a time. I met a wife and mother taking a short vacation as her husband and son carried on (she did plan to meet them this week for Thanksgiving). We talked about my conference (American Speech Language Hearing Association), Chicago, our respective countries, our faiths, and Twilight (which opened last Friday).
I first rode the Chinatown bus to visit my sister for Thanksgiving two years ago. It's become a tradition. While the buses aren't deluxe, they are clean and fairly safe, and you can meet people from all over New York. The crowds were large and organization was sparse, but I prayed that all my fellow travelers and I would arrive safely at our holiday havens. In the process of travel, I met Tamim from Lebanon, Ying from China, and Salamon from India. We talked about politics, Lehman Brothers, assertiveness of the Chinese (this from Ying), Indian writers of plays, and speech language pathology (one of my professions).
I've been reminded that travel is recess, and [I] need it (Rick Steves). I need to rub shoulders with those of cultures and traditions different from mine. I need to visit places that are new to me. I need to challenge my intellect with classes and study. I need to share time with family and reconnect with my source of strength. And I always enjoy welcome and cheer.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
मोथेर मारी...
Tonight I went to itunes, wanting to hear some good Sabbath Day music, so I typed a search word... one of the songs that popped up was 'Christmas Lullaby' by Jason Robert Brown. A woman sings of her desire to be like Mother Mary, with the future of the world inside of her. As I listened to the beautiful words, I was reminded of a friend's testimony today... she said she'd always felt she would be a mother, and though she didn't know if it would be in this life or the next, she looked forward to that blessing and responsibility. As she held her beautiful baby and spoke, and as I read many of my friends' facebook motherhood posts today, I was reminded that being a mother, while it can heartwrenching and busy beyond belief, is the greatest blessing a woman can have. I look forward to it.
Saturday, November 8, 2008

This is a picture of me and my fabulous friend May Anderton at the stake Spelling Bee a couple of years ago. May was the winner and is also my spelling idol. I feel honored to have been her study-buddy for this event because she lifted me to higher heights, meaning I think I made it to the third round! And let me tell you, these were not easy words. If we ever have this event again, I plan to study the /s/ words because that it where I went out. I just didn't get to them! You would think they would be the first set I would study with the frequent occurrence of the /s/ sound in the English language and all, but no, I started with /a/ and /z/ and sort of worked my way up and in.
Anyway, May is really awesome. You should check out her blog. You will probably grow a few more brain cells if you do, because her writing is very witty and thoughtful. Also, as I was recently checking her blog, I think I realized that she 'tagged' me and so I need to respond to that. I will do so very soon.
Monday, October 20, 2008

Hey friends, this is one of my hot photos from my photo shoot a couple of weeks ago with friend Montana. I think everyone should get headshots now and then, it's good fun. Play some fun music in the background and eat mini brownies from whole foods in the middle of it and it will be really memorable. I think President Monson even said in the last conference to get your picture taken twice a year. And in the conference before that, he said to wear your fancy clothes now and don't put them away in your closet to wear someday. President Monson is also a 'showaholic.' As in, he loves to see and quote from plays, and, I've noticed, musicals! Now I really love the prophets of this dispensation, I loved President Hinckley's writing and his humility and his humor, but I have to say there's something I really really love about a prophet who promotes musicals and looking sharp. I am looking forward to more from President Monson.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
This is a picture of my excellent friend Melanie and her adorable children (except you can't see the baby in this pic). Melanie and I had a lovely time during Rosh Hashanah this year getting all caught up! We really enjoyed traipsing around Brooklyn, seeing the library, exploring Prospect Park, checking out this beautiful arch which was a tribute to civil war soldiers, and seeing the Brooklyn Museum of Art. I also had a lovely visit to Melanie's home which included getting to see S's princess clothes, reading books and playing Boggle with R, and getting acquainted with delightful baby T. This was a lovely visit and I want to see the VDG's again soon!
Melanie likes to write about the cute things her kids say on her blog. I had some really good smiles when I read... you should definitely check out her blog and read as well. Also, I was trying to follow suit and think of cute things my kids say at school. Here's one:
(pointing to a picture of a man) "Is that the President of the United Snakes?"
Made me chuckle.
Good morning world!
So after spending some time laying on my back this week being sick, and consequently being able to catch up on my friends' blogs, I decided I do need to be better about blogging now and then. It might take me a while so I hope you'll be patient with me. I learned some new blogging tricks this week, such as how to follow other blogs and how to add a widget which shows your blog's followers. I'm hoping some of you will want to be followers and Much of this is the direct result of my spending some time with my sister who is a much better blogger than I. Thanks Monica!
This is me and Monica:

Last night I went to African Dance Class with my friend Martha, who is an extremely good friend. We really enjoyed throwing ourselves around freely while listening to some great African drummers. If you have never tried African Dance, I think you should. You could be very pleasantly surprised at the joy it brings you. And you could learn some good facts about Africa, too. Last night I learned about Mali.
This is me and Martha:
So after spending some time laying on my back this week being sick, and consequently being able to catch up on my friends' blogs, I decided I do need to be better about blogging now and then. It might take me a while so I hope you'll be patient with me. I learned some new blogging tricks this week, such as how to follow other blogs and how to add a widget which shows your blog's followers. I'm hoping some of you will want to be followers and Much of this is the direct result of my spending some time with my sister who is a much better blogger than I. Thanks Monica!
This is me and Monica:
Last night I went to African Dance Class with my friend Martha, who is an extremely good friend. We really enjoyed throwing ourselves around freely while listening to some great African drummers. If you have never tried African Dance, I think you should. You could be very pleasantly surprised at the joy it brings you. And you could learn some good facts about Africa, too. Last night I learned about Mali.
This is me and Martha:

Monday, October 13, 2008
It's been great to visit with my sister Monica this weekend. I think I needed some serious 'sister time' and it happened! Monica and I did a bunch of appropriate sister time things, including eating a delectable dinner at Clyde's Farm (the best c. 1860's restaurant ever, try the cream of crab soup and butternut ravioli), shopping at Wegman's (a gourmet grocery store with a bakery from heaven, murals of small town life, and even a toy train suspended about 10 feet from the ceiling!), watching movies (Ghost Town, which was cute even though I was trying to leave New York! Some language but great moral about the importance of being nice to people, being faithful and loyal and doing good; and Sleeping Murder, an Agatha Christie offering which I've not yet read! Miss Marple is lovely. The movie was delightful. Except for the murder parts, of course), going to church (saw good friends Rose Dahl and Heather Hart, had great lessons on dealing with trials and Christ's coming to the America's and some wonderful testimonies), holding book club (Nothing But the Truth by Avi, a fascinating read which hit home in some ways for me since I work in a school), and doing a photo shoot ( Monica was gracious enough to let me try out some of my new make-up and photography skills I picked up during my last headshots). Sleeping in was nice. And the homemade waffles were even better. Sister time is GREAT!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wow, summer's half-way over. I can't believe it. Or should I say, there is still half of summer left, and, you know, take the 'glass is half full' perspective.
Saw another play in Inwood Hills Park-- Zorro! Lots of great swordplay and dashing romance.
So has anyone read re-read 'A Tale of Two Cities' lately? I've been watching the stagehands setting up the theater for the new Broadway production every day as I go to class. Looks like it's going to be QUITE a show. I wonder what the music will sound like, how the costumes will be, how will they find two actors who look exactly alike to play Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton? After all, it's not TV where they can use the same actor and lots of camera tricks.
Sunday is my birthday. I'm throwing a big, Sabbath-oriented party. Let me know if you want to come:)
Saw another play in Inwood Hills Park-- Zorro! Lots of great swordplay and dashing romance.
So has anyone read re-read 'A Tale of Two Cities' lately? I've been watching the stagehands setting up the theater for the new Broadway production every day as I go to class. Looks like it's going to be QUITE a show. I wonder what the music will sound like, how the costumes will be, how will they find two actors who look exactly alike to play Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton? After all, it's not TV where they can use the same actor and lots of camera tricks.
Sunday is my birthday. I'm throwing a big, Sabbath-oriented party. Let me know if you want to come:)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Arts in the Park! Last night I saw 'La Boheme' in Inwood Hills park and it was fabulous! I also met a bunch of my neighbors whom I hadn't previously known. Now I can say hello to them as we pass on Cooper or Payson, and we can reminisce about Musetta and Marcello and our other favorite characters. I love arts in the park.
So this is the week of July 4. It's also the week my family comes to town!!! Let's see if I can keep them occupied all week. So far we've got the Natural History museum, musicals, yoga, dinner with the missionaries, and the Strand bookstore on the schedule. Good times.
Happiness is finding the last copy of the book you wanted at the Strand Bookstore!!!!!
Happiness is summer vacation!
Happiness is Arts in the Park!
Happiness is...
What do you think happiness is?
So this is the week of July 4. It's also the week my family comes to town!!! Let's see if I can keep them occupied all week. So far we've got the Natural History museum, musicals, yoga, dinner with the missionaries, and the Strand bookstore on the schedule. Good times.
Happiness is finding the last copy of the book you wanted at the Strand Bookstore!!!!!
Happiness is summer vacation!
Happiness is Arts in the Park!
Happiness is...
What do you think happiness is?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
June 13, 2008
That was interesting. My neighbor’s friend just asked me what he should do to get a Caucasian girlfriend. I’ve never been asked anything quite like this before and I was at somewhat of a loss as to what to say. “Um, Treat her well.” Silence. “Yeah, but how do I even get to talk to her?” A moment of thought. “Um, talk about the weather.” Another pause. “Take a class.” “A class?” “Yeah, where you could meet people. Or learn some things that would be interesting in a conversation.” “Okay.” He seemed happy with that. I hope it goes well for him. I may ask him for a full report next time.
I loved “The Little Mermaid” on Broadway. So what if the New York Times said it was more parade than narrative? I deeply enjoyed the experience of seeing the play in its Broadway form and taking one of my favorite 5th graders with me to enjoy it as well!
That was interesting. My neighbor’s friend just asked me what he should do to get a Caucasian girlfriend. I’ve never been asked anything quite like this before and I was at somewhat of a loss as to what to say. “Um, Treat her well.” Silence. “Yeah, but how do I even get to talk to her?” A moment of thought. “Um, talk about the weather.” Another pause. “Take a class.” “A class?” “Yeah, where you could meet people. Or learn some things that would be interesting in a conversation.” “Okay.” He seemed happy with that. I hope it goes well for him. I may ask him for a full report next time.
I loved “The Little Mermaid” on Broadway. So what if the New York Times said it was more parade than narrative? I deeply enjoyed the experience of seeing the play in its Broadway form and taking one of my favorite 5th graders with me to enjoy it as well!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
June 9,2008
So thus ends my tour of jury duty. I was secretly hoping I might get to witness our system of justice in action, but it was not to be. The day ended with the judge throwing out our panel because the judge was angry that the lawyers hadn’t picked any of us. And we were such a nice panel, too! A policeman, an investment banker, an occupational therapist, some lovely retired folks, and a really nice girl who gave me a Marie Claire magazine were among our ranks. Maybe next time.
Ah, summer in the park. I was witness this evening to beautiful music and storytelling just a couple of blocks away from my home. Why do I love arts in the park so much? Maybe it hearkens back to my early childhood when Mom and Dad used to take us to hear the military bands play on the Capitol Steps, or to see an outdoor production of Once Upon a Mattress. Ah! To be singing and acting in a play as dusk falls, fireflies light, and crickets chirp.
So thus ends my tour of jury duty. I was secretly hoping I might get to witness our system of justice in action, but it was not to be. The day ended with the judge throwing out our panel because the judge was angry that the lawyers hadn’t picked any of us. And we were such a nice panel, too! A policeman, an investment banker, an occupational therapist, some lovely retired folks, and a really nice girl who gave me a Marie Claire magazine were among our ranks. Maybe next time.
Ah, summer in the park. I was witness this evening to beautiful music and storytelling just a couple of blocks away from my home. Why do I love arts in the park so much? Maybe it hearkens back to my early childhood when Mom and Dad used to take us to hear the military bands play on the Capitol Steps, or to see an outdoor production of Once Upon a Mattress. Ah! To be singing and acting in a play as dusk falls, fireflies light, and crickets chirp.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
scales, rocks, and paper
Dear Blog,
I am so excited to start writing to you. There are many things I want to tell you and I'm pretty sure you will always be there! Until google goes kaput, which I don't think will be anytime soon.
Anyway, let me tell you about myself. I am a speech-pathologist, actor, singer, writer, cleaning lady, singer, judge, choir director, babysitter, student, and juggler. I'm never sure what the day will bring. But that's what keeps life interesting.
I live in New York, as you can tell by the title of this blog. The only misgiving I had about naming the blog nylisah was that if I ever move I don't know that nylisah will be the best name for it anymore. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Today involved lots of singing!!! I started singing scales with kids at the school where I work. They seemed to like it. I think it's good for their auditory processing abilities. I'm also hoping it will help them sing REALLY well when they sing at 6th grade graduation in a few weeks.
Another think I did today was play 'rock paper scissors.' I like to do that with the kids on days when I have lunch duty. It seemed to work well one day when I tried to get some kids to do it as an alternative to wrestling. Not that wrestling is bad, but it's usually not a good idea in the cafeteria. The kids seemed to like it too, and now sometimes they challenge me in the halls. "Rock, paper!" it took me off-guard the first couple of times it happened, but now I am ready for any challenge. In fact, I relish it! Get ready, suckaz!!!
Well that it is about it for today. I'll write again soon, I promise.
I am so excited to start writing to you. There are many things I want to tell you and I'm pretty sure you will always be there! Until google goes kaput, which I don't think will be anytime soon.
Anyway, let me tell you about myself. I am a speech-pathologist, actor, singer, writer, cleaning lady, singer, judge, choir director, babysitter, student, and juggler. I'm never sure what the day will bring. But that's what keeps life interesting.
I live in New York, as you can tell by the title of this blog. The only misgiving I had about naming the blog nylisah was that if I ever move I don't know that nylisah will be the best name for it anymore. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Today involved lots of singing!!! I started singing scales with kids at the school where I work. They seemed to like it. I think it's good for their auditory processing abilities. I'm also hoping it will help them sing REALLY well when they sing at 6th grade graduation in a few weeks.
Another think I did today was play 'rock paper scissors.' I like to do that with the kids on days when I have lunch duty. It seemed to work well one day when I tried to get some kids to do it as an alternative to wrestling. Not that wrestling is bad, but it's usually not a good idea in the cafeteria. The kids seemed to like it too, and now sometimes they challenge me in the halls. "Rock, paper!" it took me off-guard the first couple of times it happened, but now I am ready for any challenge. In fact, I relish it! Get ready, suckaz!!!
Well that it is about it for today. I'll write again soon, I promise.
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