Hey friends, this is one of my hot photos from my photo shoot a couple of weeks ago with friend Montana. I think everyone should get headshots now and then, it's good fun. Play some fun music in the background and eat mini brownies from whole foods in the middle of it and it will be really memorable. I think President Monson even said in the last conference to get your picture taken twice a year. And in the conference before that, he said to wear your fancy clothes now and don't put them away in your closet to wear someday. President Monson is also a 'showaholic.' As in, he loves to see and quote from plays, and, I've noticed, musicals! Now I really love the prophets of this dispensation, I loved President Hinckley's writing and his humility and his humor, but I have to say there's something I really really love about a prophet who promotes musicals and looking sharp. I am looking forward to more from President Monson.
You're a total babe. That's a great photo.
You look awesome! So photogenic!
Wow! Beautiful photo, Lisa. I have to say, I try to only get my photo taken twice a year if at all possible. Too many people with cameras around these days! I agree though, our prophets are the best.
Gorgeous! You should be pleased with how your shoot turned out!
Found your blog Lisa -- you are as cute as ever.
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