Monday, October 13, 2008


It's been great to visit with my sister Monica this weekend. I think I needed some serious 'sister time' and it happened! Monica and I did a bunch of appropriate sister time things, including eating a delectable dinner at Clyde's Farm (the best c. 1860's restaurant ever, try the cream of crab soup and butternut ravioli), shopping at Wegman's (a gourmet grocery store with a bakery from heaven, murals of small town life, and even a toy train suspended about 10 feet from the ceiling!), watching movies (Ghost Town, which was cute even though I was trying to leave New York! Some language but great moral about the importance of being nice to people, being faithful and loyal and doing good; and Sleeping Murder, an Agatha Christie offering which I've not yet read! Miss Marple is lovely. The movie was delightful. Except for the murder parts, of course), going to church (saw good friends Rose Dahl and Heather Hart, had great lessons on dealing with trials and Christ's coming to the America's and some wonderful testimonies), holding book club (Nothing But the Truth by Avi, a fascinating read which hit home in some ways for me since I work in a school), and doing a photo shoot ( Monica was gracious enough to let me try out some of my new make-up and photography skills I picked up during my last headshots). Sleeping in was nice. And the homemade waffles were even better. Sister time is GREAT!

1 comment:

Jade said...

Lisa, This is Jade, Tom's wife. I am so glad you put yourself as a follower on our blog. I didn't know you had a blog as well. It will be great to read about what you are up to.